Eastern Ontario District Soccer Association

Exhibition Games

Application Fees

(Exhibition Game)

Exhibition Games within Ontario - between Ontario teams

Hosted outside Ontario or with Teams from within Canada

Teams from Outside Canada

Intra-District (Between EODSA Teams)





Application to Travel

(Exhibition Game)

within Canada & USA

outside Canada & USA



Hosting Exhibition Games

An Application to Host Exhibition Games (AHEG) form must be submitted for all exhibition games.

An exhibition game is a game arranged between two teams of registered players with a registered Match Official, which is not a scheduled league game, play-off game, cup game, tournament game or festival game. Exhibition games have no stats, standings or set schedule of games. An exhibition game may also include one team of registered players playing against:

  • a college team, providing that Ontario Soccer has an adequate written agreement with the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association regarding the liability pertaining to the college team's participants;
  • a university team, providing that Ontario Soccer has an adequate written agreement with the Ontario University Athletics regarding the liability pertaining to the university team's participants; and
  • a team operated by an Ontario Soccer-Recognized Academy.

In order for any such exhibition games to be considered sanctioned and thus eligible for insurance coverage an approved AHEG must be obtained in advance of the Exhibition game.

The Host team must fill out the following AHEG (application to host an exhibition game) and submit online through the CTMS system to their Club, Ontario Soccer and the EODSA.

The Host Team must create a CTMS account and advise your Club; your Club will then approve your account. Once you have approval, complete the AHEG form.

The Host team will inform their Club they have submitted an AHEG online that requires approval.

The Host Club will review, approve and E-mail the EODSA with the AHEG# requesting approval.

The Host team/Club must ensure the team travelling from out of District or out of Province provides you with a copy of their approved Travel Permit.

Each team must complete the EODSA Exhibition Game Sheet and submit to the referee who will submit the Game Sheet to the EODSA following the match.

Traveling To An Out of District Exhibition Game

Any team wishing to participate in an exhibition game outside the jurisdiction of the EODSA must submit an Application To Travel Form signed by their club with proof that the game has been sanctioned by the Clubs District along with appropriate fee (see above)

As these applications require District and sometimes O.S.A. and C.S.A. approval, please pay attention to all the deadlines for submission of the A.T.F.'s.

A team is covered by insurance through the OSA insurance policy for travel within Canada only. You may wish to purchase additional insurance (PDF document) for travel to Provinces a great distance from Ontario such as B.C. and the Maritime Provinces.